Saturday, February 11, 2012

God, are you Kidding Me?

Dearest God,

Here comes the bitterness. If you weren't immortal, I'd suggest that you duck.

Yeah okay. I know they say You (God) only give us what we can handle, but I have a complaint. I think you've confused me with a neurophysicist who has won 5 Olympic medals.

Seriously? No more please. Check your list twice and please realize that I'm only human, and despite the title of my blog there is nothing 'super' about this mom.

I did the right thing for my kids and left a dangerous situation. I was afraid of becoming a single mom, but I did it. I struggled through almost 2 years without support and alimony because every time my case came up the ex would fire his lawyer, hire a new one, and get an extension for the new counsel to become familiar with the case. Now, FINALLY, I had my day in court. The judge was fair, and ordered him to pay a specific amount on specific dates.

But, dearest God, did he do it? Nope. Of course not. Now I'm back to square one, and faced with either continuing to borrow, beg, and plead to put food on the table for my children, or to file charges and put my ex in jail, which might mean the loss of his job, which will probably mean complete loss of future support.

Again, seriously?

Ohhh...and to top it off,  he goes and gets demoted at work and his schedule changed. Since I built my college schedule around him having visitation on a weekday, he now is not showing up, and I'm having to miss classes because he decided to misbehave in the workplace. Lord Almighty, please convince him force him to wake up and realize that refusing to pay support while lavishing his new girlfriend with a half-million dollar home, vacations, and fancy TVs while his children are on food stamps is ridiculous.

Dearest God, I don't want to whine- but enough is enough. Please have some pity on me.

Oh, and please forgive me for wishing the terrible wish that when he does end up in jail, the big guy named Bubba thinks he's pretty. Like I said, I'm only human.



  1. I didn't want to laugh at this post. You're *struggling* and it's a serious issue. But what you do so well here is that you make this issue approachable through humor. Oh god, I feel for you!

    Is there any way to get his paychecks automatically docked for his child support payments?

    And email me; we'll work something out so that you keep going in this class!

  2. Sounds like a real pain in the ass. It is really unfortunate your going through something like this. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger! The fact that you are keeping your head up and still doing your thing is inspiring to many people. Keep being a great mother, finish school, and the road only gets brighter as you near the end of the dark tunnel!
    Hang in there!
